Natural Mozambique Garnet Faceted Handmade Tumble Nuggets
<div><b>PEER MOHAMMED ENTERPRISES</b> are the global manufacturers of rough stones & various kinds and specifications of Opal, coral, Fancy Stones & cutting stones (faceting, cabochon & checkerboard), such as Aquamarine, Amethyst, Citrine, Tourmaline, Prehnite, Rose Quartz, Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Kyanite, Amethyst, Ruby, Emerald, White Rainbow, Sapphire, etc. we create the beauty which lies in the stones for our buyers.</div><div>Peer Mohammed enterprises are serving good quality, cut for buyers, and have been known for years just because of the quality we deliver.</div><div>Explore the amazing range with amazing pricing at peer Mohammed enterprises. </div>